Services Grid 3

Web Design

Top quality custom design, redesign, and branding. 20+ years of experience delivering to Tier 1 enterprises…

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Application Security

Ensure compliance with cybersecurity directives and protect your Assets with our tools and advisory.

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Custom Software Development

Our specialities include Prototyping, Software Architecture, Full-stack, DevOps, and Software Maintenance.
We have …

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Mobile & Web App Creation

We deliver architecture and development for Android and iOS applications, cross-platform support, …

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IT Consulting

We support our clients with on-demand technical leadership, Proxy Product ownership, Technology Strategy design and adoption, …

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Test Automation

Improve quality, reduce HR costs and strengthen compliance with our automation and monitoring managed services…

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Multi-Cloud Management

Single- and multi-cloud analysis, design and operations, with focus on security, cost and compliance…

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Conversational and Generative AI

Development and implementation of multi-channel bots through a revolutionary ecosystem integrating all major AI engines. Get your own Large Language Model (LLM), optimized with Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG).

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