We build best-in-class software and innovative enterprise systems. And we do it efficiently.

To consistently achieve this ambitious Value Proposition we adhere to the following principles:

Availability & Retention of Talent

We specialize in discovering,  developing, an retaining talent. This has become increasingly important in the context of the current global IT market. Most of our staff have been with us for many years and none of them were ”poached” from other companies.

Dedicated Unshared Teams

We run dedicated teams with a single-project assignment. This approach removes distractions, and enhances knowledge retention and business continuity.

Control through
Communication & Reporting

We give our clients direct access to every member of their project team along with daily progress control.

Savings & Simplicity

We reduce dramatically the HR expenses of our clients. We cover 100% of the employee hiring costs, training, wages, social security contributions, taxes, managerial overhead, equipment, SW licenses, vacation time, sick days, public holidays, and more. Our clients pay only for the actual time worked on their Project.

how can we help you?

Contact us at the Consulting WP office nearest to you or submit a business inquiry online.

“When you are in the financial industry you know the image you have to project to people. You have to be agile and authoritative; Consulting WP is the way to go for financial institutions.”

Amanda Seyfried
Founder & CEO, Arcade Systems

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